Friday, July 4, 2014

03-04.07.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine

03-04.07.2014 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine: everybody who is not indifferent to the situation on South-East of Ukraine, join us! Together we will be able to break the information blockade!

Ukrainian army against peaceful people!After shelling!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

How to have time to do a lot of things in one day?

Hi, friends! Most people life can agree with me that they have complained at least once in a of having no time to do lots of things. But here is the deal: everyone can find enough time to do a plenty of absolutely different things even in one day. And the secret of this advancement in finding free hours for doing lots of activities consists not in getting up early in the morning or learning the science of time-management. No, it is not about that.

If you want to ‘be in time’, to create an excellent schedule, which will allow you to do a lot of various stuff in one day, you should get one simple idea. You can hardly imagine, what strong power and great abilities you have when you ‘fall in love’ with a work you do. When you love and enjoy your life, when you like people who surround you. You do NOT know what you can do in such situation!

And so the major thing you should do is only to make a decision, to give an answer to the question ‘do you really want to be happy and to love?’. You should turn on a tumbler and enter the greatest and lovely life, no more than that. If you wish to have a job\occupation, which will be loved by you so much, you will be able to speed up this process, the way to this best life ever will be opened. But do not forget about the next tendency: your emotions are temporary, but the feelings are constant. So each time when you think you fail or anything goes wrong, remind yourself that you love your work, admire your family and enjoy the life you are living. It is priceless and it is one and only.

Also remember: it is never too late to make changes. If you feel that you do the job you don’t like or you are not satisfied with something in a working process – change the conditions! Nobody will do that for you, so take an action. It is required to do the work, which is important for you and which is truly yours. Then you will have time for doing lots of things: you will succeed in your work because you like it, you will be able to have a hobby and spend the time on it because you like it, you will have time to do sports if it is something you enjoy doing, you will find a lot of time for your family and private life because it is important for you too and so on.

Life is a big chance. Live yours each day, each minute and second. Enjoy it and do not miss the happiness sensation because being happy is our primary aim.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Three best advices, which can help you to lead people

Hey, folks! I am happy to see you reading my posts and checking my blog every single day. It is so nice to share and exchange the messages because we are living in the contemporary informational society and a mass communication is a tendency of our life. Communication is a way on how we can create relationship, understand each other, support and help each other AND! build a business.

If we are talking about the business, we should plan our work so, that we will manage the biggest and greatest result ever – a true success. Your success (mainly in online business) depends on how you are going to construct your business relationship: you (leader) <---> your partners (teammates). The main idea, which is a fundamental thing in online business, is teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work. And if you want to be a good successful leader of your team, you ought to think more about the success of other people, which are surrounding you (logically those people are your partners). That’s why as a leader you have a bunch of obligations and the level of those obligations will influence your career growth and the growth of team career in general. YOU put an influence on your business partners and vice versa. Thus everything is interconnected.

If you are a leader, you should take into consideration that you are an example. Everyone keeps an eye on you, your speech, your gestures and your statements. And pay attention: both verbal and non-verbal communications are important! So do not think that you are talking to your teammates using only words. The whole behavior gives a ‘picture’ – how do you look like. Probably this component is one of the most important but here come the grand ones:

1.     Obviously the first significant thing is your appearance. The form here is even more important than the filling. So be attentive with the choice of clothes: it will claim your self-rating, your self-confidence to the others. Believe it or not but if you put on a ‘pyjamas of unsuccessful man’, nobody will understand that you are a real successful business person.

2.     I will advice you to get back to the basics and remember my first issue: communication is supreme. As a leader you should talk to your teammates, you should be ready to help them, to give your support and to take part in their life. But don’t forget that you are working with different people, so you ought to be different and find an approach to motivate and stimulate each of them!

3.     The last advice for you is a notification. The success of a company you are working with depends on YOU. So be the best and the first. If there is a meeting with other partners – come there and be the first one who will speak to the public. If there comes a seminar of your company in other city or country – go and buy the first tickets to participate there. If a new product of your company is released – get and experience it immediately to be the first one! Be on the leader places in all of the contests and competitions, which your company offers you and your partners. Be in the first ranks if you want everyone see and consider you as a leader. The company’s success begins from you.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Traffic Swirl – My Overview (NEW!)

Hi, friends! So. I have a brief message :) As you probably remember I have already created a post about such a TE called Traffic Swirl. I suppose that you have read it, but today I want to make you watch it. I have recorded a video (an overview) of this tool and I am sure that it will make your ‘contact’ with this service completed!

So this video is especially for those of you who would like to use some special and unique promotional tools, which will have a full package of different features, aimed to make online business funny and easy. Moreover, it will be helpful for those of you who are focusing exactly on advertising and promotion: if you have a great business in the internet and you need to make it popular and important for marketing community (attractive and interesting), then here goes Traffic Swirl! It is a good way to achieve all that goals!

Do not hesitate to watch my screenshare video and try to use and experience Traffic Swirl on your own. Make the most of it! You will see it is simple and handy and it can really assist you with creating the best online marketing plan ever!

Enjoy your day and be successful with your beginnings!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Each job is creative!

Hello, guys! I hope you are doing very well and now you are enjoying your day. The summer makes us glad and I am sure that you will agree with me that it is the most wonderful time for having rest and abstracting one’s mind from a plenty of different casual things, job especially. But today we are going to talk exactly about our work and about how we are doing it.

The thing is that most people complain of their job, moreover, they hate the time when they work and they are tired of doing the same actions every single day, from time to time having the long-waited weekend. People are taking their work as something negative; they have only one side at this point: it seems to be like a forcing, a torture, a penal servitude. They literally HAVE TO work to maintain their families and themselves and it is a horrible reality. But I believe this situation can be changed if we look at it differently.

Each job is creative; factually it CAN be creative in its own manner. And pay attention: now I am not talking about any of the most creative jobs as artist, actor, singer or any other art workers. Basically if a person wants, he CAN turn his everyday ordinary work into an interesting and original occupation, which will be inspiring and motivating him to do his best each time when he enters his office. However, to reach this condition, first of all, a person should give a few important answers to himself if he loves his job deeply in his mind. Has he chosen it by calling, by obligation or simply by chance? Has he ever dreamed about precisely this type of work? Can he find anything special in it and does he feel that it is an appropriate form of occupation for him now? I am sure that anybody can response to these questions if one is interested in making the life happier (because any work occupies a lot of our time and so it influences our life a lot). I am convinced that happiness will be an essential thing for any person, including you, so that’s why you should think more about making your job creative and then interesting.

Firstly, if you want to make your work be creative, you need to find this creativity in the working process. But before you do that, you should find it in yourself!

Think of any qualities of your character, which can help you in ‘growing up’ the creative beginning inside yourself. You will definitely find them! Analyze what parts of the working process are the most interesting for you and what can be done to make the less attractive ones to more exciting. And the last thing: gather both statements into one and decide what you need to do to create your best way to earn money without changing your present job! Then you will see how fundamentally your life will be changed. It is that simple. Each job can be creative. BUT! It can if you want to see it as creative ;)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How our ego prevents us from succeeding in online marketing?

Hey, folks! I am happy to write down a new article today because it makes me feel that we are still keeping in touch in spite of everything. Nowadays we have the hard times and honestly it is so difficult to think about different things but I have decided that there is a lot of important stuff, which surrounds us and we should continue focusing on it, doing our work or studies or whatever. So that’s why this post will be dedicated to a concrete thing, the business, and I will give you some ideas, which will enlighten you in our today’s topic – ‘how our ego prevents us from succeeding in online marketing?’

I am very sure that some of you can imagine what answer will I give, but for those who have the same question and who are still wondering what will be the best variant to reply, I have prepared this post.

So first of all, what is ego? Ego is our psychological essence, which is helping us in building our human position in society, creating our vision and thoughts, ideas and dreams. Ego is helping us in many spheres of life: it is helping us to succeed in sport, politics, business etc. But also it can prevent our success. It is a unique something, which can be both helpful and useless. And if we get back to today’s question, we can clearly see that ego impedes and disturbs us while we are putting so much effort in creating the greatest and most profitable business in our life.

Furthermore, I must say that if we are talking about our ego, we need to pay attention to the self-confidence or lack of it. Everybody will agree with me that he or she has had such situation when there has been a feeling of uncertainty. An uncertainty starts when we have too much of ego. The reason of its beginnings can be different every time when it happens, but the main thing is that it has occurred to you at least once! For example, if we look at our life of an online marketer, we will notice that the first reason of our self-uncertainty is a way out from our zone of comfort. And believe it or not, but there are a plenty of cases of leaving this zone in MLM business. But of course, according to the fact that each of us is an individual, the motives for self-uncertainty will be individual too. The only question here is: how will your behavior change if you face this ‘problem’?

If you look around, you will notice that there are a lot of people in our industry, who cannot control their behavior while they are working with people (especially with potential clients or partners). And the big reason of it is a self-uncertainty. It is normal, nobody should worry about it, everyone can go through this problem, but of course, our main goal in this situation will be finding the ‘roots’ of our uncertainty and then finding a power to stop it. To stop behaving in a strange manner with people, who can become your teammates or customers.

After this process you will see that the uncertainty will be the head reason of our unsuccessful marketing career. But if we manage to escape it, we will manage to succeed in any sphere! We should be strong enough, well-teached and confident people with big confidence in our mind and good experience of work behind our shoulders to become professionals. It is a clue to success and it demands on time and hard work. And remember: you cannot buy self-confidence – you only can reach it if you want to have a great effect from it. It is a very important thing and it does influence our life and especially our online business. So that’s why we are talking about the self-confidence for so long and that’s why we need to bring it up naturally.

And our ego is important too, it is a part of us and we cannot ignore it, simply hiding it somewhere deep inside. A quite good part of our ego consists of the self-confidence and it can help us to succeed anywhere. Another part is not so helpful, vice versa, it is stopping our progress. In other words, it consists of uncertainty, which is flourishing exactly there. But looking at the good side, we should admit that it can be useful in our life! Moreover, it can be useful in our business. Analyzing the phenomenon of confidence, make sure you have taken to your account three main elements: the self-confidence, the confidence of the company you are working with and the confidence of our industry. Make sure you can find a way to ‘train’ the self-confidence and to keep it in your mind. Make sure you can be the best and then you will see how fast the results will come to you!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Finding own way

Hey hello, my dear friends-readers! We have not met for a long time and honestly it is caused by different reasons: work, studies, lovely relationship <3, family and friends. But finally I have decided to create a new blog post because I have found a necessity.
First of all, I want to congratulate every kid with yesterday’s holiday – International Children’s Day. Actually I thought I would have time to say my ‘congratz!’ yesterday, but I have failed, sorry for that. But as a famous proverb says, ‘it’s never too late’, so here comes my compliment to all little boys and girls! Be happy, enjoy your childhood (it is the best time of your life) and make your parents be proud of you! We love you and we appreciate the whole love and the whole bunch of smiles, joy and excitement!

Essentially it is not the only motive why I have made a decision to write this article: I have noticed that a lot of ex-pupils are celebrating their graduation from school these days. It has been continuing for nearly three days and you know what? I am so impressed that I begin to recollect my memories about that day when I have MY day of graduation. Really, it was magical. It cannot be compared with anything because it is unique! And yes, I was very happy to spend that day with my closest people and my classmates. I enjoyed the feeling of getting to a new level, a new stage of life and I was proud of myself because I got the ‘best marks ever’ and I remember the moment I saw the eyes of my relatives, full of pride and happiness, when I received my report card.

Basically apart from those children who have left their schools, colleges and gymnasiums, there are some students that are doing the last steps of their university life. The graduation from school is festive and legendary but the graduation from university is even more festive and more legendary! Frankly saying I have one more year to my graduation day but I am very sure that I will be on my high spirits then and it will be a sign that I am finishing my infancy and starting the real adult life. The feeling of such changes will be incredible!

These days are really important for both pupils and students because it is a period when the life is changing. I am very sure that a lot of them don’t even know what future they will have, what road they will go. It is an important period when each of them should think of finding their own way because they are the only people who choose their destiny. We have a lot of pupils and children and we know that these days they are looking for the best way for them. And if this story is about you and you are graduating too, then I wish you good luck with your beginnings! Feel free to try, feel free to find something special, something exactly for you. Because you know that there is no end in pursuing.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Traffic Swirl: a viral website Traffic Generation System!

Hey hey, friends and young online marketers! It is time to make a little update for you today, so I am continuing writing the posts about popular traffic exchanges. The thing is that recently I have opened a new TE for myself and I am very convinced that you, as a person who are interested in making money online, will pay close attention to this resource. By the way if you have already joined the Traffic Swirl system – the only thing I can do is saying ‘CONGRATS!’ because you have chosen a really great tool for promotion.

So for those of you who haven’t still faced it, I am going to explain what actually Traffic Swirl is in general.

Traffic Swirl is one of the fastest growing traffic exchanges in the industry and there are a few good reasons that can prove it:

-         Over 7 million hits delivered monthly;
-         One of the TOP 5 fastest growing TE’s;
-         Highest rated traffic exchange.

I'm getting targeted traffic every day to my websites, and you could be too, without any payments. It's free, easy, and fun. There are a lot of really cool exclusive features, which can help you to build your list and get quality traffic to your website totally free. Also, what is not less important, there are all kinds of cash give aways (daily, weekly, monthly cash bonuses) as well as contests and promotions to help you make money online AND get high quality web traffic.

If you are anything like me (you need more traffic and leads to help build your list and generate more online sales) this is a totally free method of getting traffic to your sites and generating more sales. It's as simple as that!

As I said this is a free resource, but you can get even more out of it by upgrading (the PRO upgrade here costs only $9.77), there are some really awesome special offers when you log in for the first time, I would highly recommend one of these offers to take your advertising to the next level. Here you can both purchase anything you need for creating your advertisements AND sell anything that you have achieved at this TE. Talking about the achievements, you are to complete some different tasks so that you will get awards, credits (or team credits), higher surfer ratio, referrals or lifetime upgrades. In a word, there are a lot of cool things, which can be used as an improvement of your business program.

So join the system NOW and you will have an access to the great source Traffic Swirl and to all of its features easy!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Remind me about traffic exchanges!

Hello, my dear readers and online marketers! Today I have remembered that I have written a blog post about the most popular traffic exchanges, which I personally use. I have been talking about their advantages and opportunities in brief, but as here is a tendency to try them literally every day and to use them as the first tool to promote and advertise oneself – then I have seen the necessity to write about them again.

In general a traffic exchange is a type of website, which provides a service for webmasters in exchange for traffic. It is similar to the autosurf concept with the exception that traffic exchanges usually use a manual rotation. So the main idea of TE’s is to earn and receive traffic manually and automatically at the same time. The manual part of this process is an actual surfing: you need to watch and read the propositions from other website owners, who are interested in making an online business and in ‘spinning’ this business in the worldwide web, so that you will get the credits and impressions to do the same as those website owners. The automatic part here means that some traffic exchange tools offer you to purchase the credits and impressions instead of the manual surfing and also it gives you a chance to assign the earned credits and impressions for your future advertising and promoting so that the system will automatically advertise and promote your business at the different TE’s. It is a useful and interesting scheme: everybody helps and interacts with each other. Basically a lot of different traffic exchange sources are cooperating, that’s why it is not so hard to create your personal advertising campaign on all of them and start a promotion.

What is more, traffic exchanges can assist you for free. Almost every TE gives you a possibility to work on its platform and to develop your business without any payments (excepting those, which ask you to buy the credits and impressions). But I need to notify you in advance if you have still not used such kind of services and if you have not known anything about them before. As actually any other online service, it won’t bring you a lot of money without attracting any new customers or business partners, in other words, without promoting the service that you use. The surfing will be good for you and you will be able to earn at least something, but I guess it won’t be as a real profit.

Essentially any company or organization wants to grow and to raise its career level and popularity on the marketplace, so it should be not a surprise for you that traffic exchange companies want the same. If you are fancy for both using their service and earning the real money, then first of all be ready to ‘sell’ the project you are working with. You will become its affiliate, so one of the very first goals for you will be the traffic exchange promotion. I must say that it will be a great goal for you and for the TE: you will earn good money and they will earn a good reputation and will become more popular in the Internet marketing area.  As many referrals you have, as many money you get – the conditions are simple. So if you are eager to use the TE’s as a tool to make a profit, then you should remember about this little trick.

And the last thing about traffic exchanges: an amount has significance. If you have a lot of time or you want to spend a lot of time for advertising and promoting (that is really very important!), you should try to embrace as many TE’s as you can. There will be a plenty of various ways how you can develop and advance your business concept, but you ought to memorize that using traffic exchanges will be probably one of the best ones. The reason of that is actually the full control of the promotional process, the manual direction of all the advertising steps and of course the level of effectiveness and utility. That’s why I advice you to pay close attention to TE’s and to its arrangement in case your business will bring you good benefit. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stop fascism!

It is very hard to write about this, believe me. But the reality is so that I cannot stay aside from this topic. The last news have showed that people continue suffering and actually it seems that civil war has started on our lands.

It is hard to believe that we have come to such result. It is hard to believe that our 'government' supposes that the cruel actions, which are happening in the south-eastern part of Ukraine, are normal and legal. It is hard to believe that the other countries, especially their representatives of local government, know what we should do with our problems and troubles. It is hard to believe that people, who have come to the governmental authorities and who have NOT been chosen by anybody CAN decide what to do and what arrangements are at least adequate and necessary for saving our country.

It makes me mad and angry that we should bear it! We should listen to somebody who are even not an authority for most of us because of the lack of legitimacy. It is shocking. I have never thought that we could have such a horrible situation in the country - without any limits, without moral and law. The junta rules the country with an European and American help. They do not follow the real law and they can support people who are killing their countrymen. Is it right?

I appeal to you - stop fascism! Stop it right now, otherwise the situation will be even worse! We have lost Ukraine, we have lost it forever and when people are scanning: "We are for united Ukraine" and at the same time are fighting with other Ukranians, we we will never become united.

And now I am going to present to you the photofacts from Odessa, where yesterday the collision was between the nascists from the Right Sector and innocent citizens. Odessa is not the first city that suffers from attacks, the previous ones have been in Kramatorsk and Slav'yansk. Our regions have a mourning today. And unfortunately it seems that it is not the end.

I want to apply to everybody who can influence this cituation: stop it right now! WE want to live in a peaceful  world.

P.S. People who are at these photos have been forced to come to the House of Trade Unions and then they have been burned. There have been not enough people to resist those cursed fascists. By the way, some of our politics, watching the videos from Odessa and seeing what is happening there, have been aplauding incendiaries. Here comes the civil war, friends.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why do I need an online business?

'Why do I need an online business?' - a typical and natural question. A famous French philosopher René Descartes said: 'Everything should be exposed to the doubt', but unfortunately a lot of people, who even do not know that such proverb exists, try to follow this strategy everywhere and everytime when they face something new. Maybe it is right, maybe it is wrong. But it is a today's tendency.

Everybody has his own 'philosophy'. That's why if we get back to the science of philosophy, we can say that there is a phrase-antonim to the previous one: 'Who are not risky, doesn't drink whisky'. If we face a new phenomenon, a new type of work or hobby, we ought to try it, to get an experience and then make a conclusion of it. And here go the questions that make us be doubtful. Maybe we should try it and it will be good/bad for ourselves? Maybe the destiny offers us such an opportunity, alluding that we MUST try it, it can be our lucky ticket in the future? Maybe we will regret if we do not take the chance today? Anyway, who knows. Probably only God guesses. Everybody has his own philosophy.

But I can tell you for sure that if you want to become financially independent, if you want to have an automatic system that will be bringing you money, if you want to become a real businessman making real money with small investments - then an online business is for you. You should not ask yourself the question 'why do I need an online business?'. You should think about what do you want to have in the future and what can be done to get everything that you want. Then you need to analyse if exactly an online business can bring you that. It should be a weighted decision. Even if it is a small risk for you and probably for your budget, you should think and take into consideration everything! Believe me, this business can change your life extremely. You will be even able to forget about the life 'before' and see only the result 'after'. You won't be able to predict what you will receive and what you will be able to lose. So be attentive of making your right decision. I am saying 'right decision' because I am very convinced that any decision that you make will be correct: you are choosing your destiny and so you are choosing what future you want to have.

Anyway each of us understands that the actions are better than any words. I know people who haven't had any questions before they have decided to join (including the question 'why do I need an online business'). They were happy and felt lucky when they understood that they finally caught a chance to become rich or at least a well-to-do man. So choose your destiny. Find your philosophy. And then you will see that your opportunities are vast and that something you have never heard about and have been scared of can be helpful, profitable and beneficial.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Ukrainian spring

Hello, guys! Hopefully you are doing perfect today and your life continues being quiet and stable, because in my opinion nowadays it is the most important thing. Moreover, it is priceless.

I would like to dedicate my today’s post to the great topic, which has been already discussed before – the springtime. And it is not randomness: we have the real reasons for talking about it today. Now we are waiting for the last spring month, which actually seems to be like a part of summer, including the factual weather, and actually I need to say that finally the warm air has come! FINALLY! It is one of the best moments because nothing can be compared to exactly this air and this atmosphere. So it is the first reason.

Normally the springtime is special and unique as well as any other season of the year. And the springtime here, in my region, is even more special and unique these days than usually. In reality we have two different variants of spring of 2014: the spring in the whole world and the spring in Ukraine. And here goes the second reason. Personally I have faced such an extraordinary period of time in my native country at first. Yes, there have been some of them before (a so-called ‘Orange revolution’, a world crises, both economic and political), but this ‘phenomenon’ occurs to me for the first time and has impressed me most of all. Well, I need to say there is nothing surprising, because nobody can predict our ‘tomorrow’, even including the fact that everybody is eager to do that, and nobody can notify others in advance that something should happen in the nearest future.

So. Maybe it will sound like ‘wow’ for some of you, some of you just don’t care about this issue, but I am not sure that our nation and I should be happy about that. And I think now you can guess why I am saying so. The today’s topic is directly connected with the Ukrainian tragedy. I am saying ‘tragedy’ because I cannot find another suitable word.
We have mentioned the big trouble, which now is coming to each city, town and countryside – today I can call it ‘the worst consequence of the expression of people’s likes/dislikes’. In my opinion everything that is taking place in our country is a result of people’s egoism and egocentrism: they are fed up of the whole situation, of economics, politics, social instability, cultural and educational crisis and so on and so they have decided to declare about it. They do not want to see any government that can be like the head person of our state and I can agree with them at this point: Nazism and nationalism cannot be the best choice for a democratic state. They suppose and hope that they can solve any problem coming to the squares and different national establishments, but the main problem here is that with a help of such methods and strategies an amount of problems conversely is growing. And this situation seems to be invisible for them – they continue doing their deed. The accidents are happening per sample: I can say that the same story happens in each city or town like by default. I am talking about the recent developments connected with Maidan, riots, strikes and revolts, which are happening everywhere now, unfortunately. As the local proverb says, ‘shit happens’, but nobody could predict that such a huge amount of ‘shit’ would happen in Ukraine this year.
We can talk about this topic without the end, but anyway today my speech to you will be dedicated to a bit different side.

I want to tell you something that is happening in my house, nearby me. I need to confess you again and tell you for sure like in the previous posts, dedicated to this topic, we are against the war. WE, people, who like in the Eastern part of Ukraine, are against the war. And every time somebody (especially mass media are added here) will tell you that the Eastern Ukraine wants to be separate and come apart from the whole state, do not believe in it. I know that a lot of people suppose we are federalists and separatists, we are for a separation of our country, but it is not true. I know that a lot of people consider we are hiding the Russians and their troops in our places, but it is not true. Our people, who are presenting a hard-working, strong and calm nation, cannot be aggressive and angry. We cannot plan such a mean and artful damage of our native country. I live here and I know what is going on. We are for the piece. Unfortunately, our country, due to its history, has been created artificially and so people who are living here, in the East, extremely differ from people, who live, for example, in the West. It’s like two polar sides and it has been always like two different races, and that’s a reason why we cannot live peacefully with each other. And essentially we would like to fasten our hands using a friendly chain with Russian Federation and not only because it is our companion but also because our roots descend from Russians. Another situation happens in the Western Ukraine and the ground of it is clear: their roots are growing in a different place. And that’s one of the reasons why this situation with Maidan has happened. A complete split of society. Sadly, it’s a reality and I guess that one day it should come to pass here.

The only explanation, which can be given here, is going to become public today. The country that cannot gather people in one solid nation, full of patriotism and love to its fatherland, cannot be ‘happy’ and peaceful. And that’s all, that’s a cause of all the problems connected with internal conflicts and so-called civil wars. And I really do believe that exactly this is something that is going on in Ukraine.

Now I want to discuss one more aspect of this story. Believe me, a lot of different countries (including the countries of Western Europe and USA) think that they know our problems and their solutions better than we do. I can guarantee you that nobody (!), neither there, nor here in Ukraine, knows for sure the problems and the solutions. And by the way, I need to give an advice every person, who has a position in the local government of each country, which is giving their own recommendations and suggestions, not to be so sure that they can help. Nobody can find an exit from this huge maze nowadays. I need to state the fact that everything that is happening now, even if it has been in hand before, is uncontrollable today: the ‘script’, which has been written by someone, is not working now. People’s chain reaction has become unpredictable and so the ‘producers’ of that sad ‘movie’ called ‘La caduta di Troia’ (the last word should be changed to ‘Ukraine’ as you understand from the context) have failed. The only thing that we can do – pray for Ukraine.

Now we are waiting. We are waiting for a ‘happy end’ and for a better and safer future that it is now. I am convinced that one day it will come and all the conflicts and problems will be solved and finally our country will live in piece with the world and with each other. So take care of yourself and of your closest people and make piece, not war.

Monday, April 21, 2014

CashSurfingNetwork - My overview of CSN

Hello, my friends! If you are reading this post, then I can make a conclusion that you are interested in making money online. So if YES - you are in the right place! This is the 3rd video of mine, where I am talking about the 'daddy' of 6 main TE's, which I have been already using for some time and I am so happy that I have found it!

The thing is that this cool system - CashSurfingNetwork (or CSN), - has gathered 6 traffic exchange sourses so that you will be able not only promoting yourself in the Internet area and advertising your online marketing business, but ALSO making real cash. If you want to make it here, you need to register or to join 6 traffic exchanges, which are listed at CSN: Legacy Hits, NinjaSurf (I have been telling you about them last time), Social Ad Surf, PowerCashStream, Lobby Hits and TopHits4U. The registration is FREE so you don't need to worry about the financial side. But I need to say that if you want to get money from this service you should WORK with it. Do not forget about that, otherwise there won't be any real results.

If you want to have a try, I advice you to visit CSN official website and read more about this wonderful system.

And if you have any questions to me and you want to get more information from a person, who uses and has some real experience of CashSurfingNetwork, then I am open for help! You can find my contacts below the video or you can contact me right here, commenting this post ;)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter, my friends!

Hello, my dear readers and followers! Today is a big holiday for each christian who really honours the traditions and customs of religion and culture - today is Easter.

This is a holiday when people go to the churches (so that they can hallow the Easter cake and put the candles as a gesture of appreciating the memory of their relatives and the closest people), cook the festive family meals, play in so-called 'Easter egg hunts' and give the small presents to each other. So it is a very warm and bright holiday.

My family are accustomed to celebrate Easter following all the parts of celebration process and so today we are 'busy' with it :) I hope that your families and you are now having an Easter dinner or just gather in a tiny friendly family circle spending these hours together. It is very important for all of us. And we should do so not only today, but more often than we are supposed to.

So I would like to congratulate you and say HAPPY EASTER, friends, be kind and friendly, be understanding and intelligent! Be human.

Have a nice day by the way and take your time :)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

NinjaSurf - The second Overview of mine!

Hey hey hey!!!

Again I am back and I would love to present to you a series of videos where I will be telling you the main information about traffic exchange tools. I need to remind you that I have already uploaded one of the records connected with this topic and now I am ready to give you the second one! UFFF! Today it is another service, but the facilities here are almost the same so it will be very easy to use :) NinjaSurf is here, guys!

And again I really do believe that you will enjoy both watching the videos and using the services presented. It must be very helpful for you and your business, so there is no doubt that you would like to try it by yourself and maybe even give this idea to your friends and especially business partners ;)

If you have any question to me connected with online business or exactly with this program, I am glad to help you! Remember that I am always open for any assistance, so choose the way to contact me right below the video! :)

Have a nice day, guys, and be successful with your business concepts! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Legacy Hits - My own Overview! (good amount of traffic for your website)

Hey hey hey, guys!

Me and my videos are back and I would love to inform you that I am going to create a series of records where I will be telling you the main information about the traffic exchange tools, which I personally use. Actually you have already known some of them, because I have added the information about those TEs before, but as a famous proverb tells, 'a revision is a mother of science', so I guess it will be interesting and useful for you to check out something that I have been working with for a few months!

And also I really do believe that you will enjoy both watching the videos and using the services presented. Frankly saying, they are awesome ;) If you like this video, put a like there, I will be definitely pleased to see that you are wathing my channel and that my work is interesting for you. If it is so, I see that we are going by the same way and we are thinking about the similar goals! :)

So the very first video is about the resourse called Legacy Hits, hopefully it is will in need for you and your business project! Do not forget: your legacy begins here!

P.S. If you have any question to me connected with online business or exactly with this program, I am glad to help you! You can find my contacts right below the video, so do not hesitete to write to me anytime you need!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tezak Traffic: a traffic exchange that PAYS!

Dear Fellow Online Marketer,
Are You Looking For The Perfect Laser-Targeted Traffic Generation System?
All For FREE!
A bold claim eh? Are we boldly going where no traffic program has gone before? This program may be bold and new and exciting but it has real heritage too...
Tony Tezak is widely known as probably the world's most successful traffic exchange user - EVER!
Tony has over ten highly successful years in the industry and finally, after ten years in the making and two hard years of intense technical development...


Tony teamed up with the highly respected "Dynamic Duo Of Traffic Exchange World", Tim Rash and Paul Kinder, to bring you a program that combines over ten years of Tony's experience, ideas and success with Tim's talented technical expertise and Paul's marketing flair and total service ethic, guaranteed to drive high quality laser targeted website traffic to YOU!

Is your website stuck in a black hole? No passers by, no traffic, no sales to speak of?
Have you spent day after day, week after week, month after month and dollar after dollar chasing after elusive and expensive pay per click traffic?
Have you struggled with the complexities of search engine algorithms just to find they move the goalposts after you figured where to kick the ball?
Have you run out of candles because both ends burned while you wrote article after article after article with matchsticks barely propping open your weary and bloodshot eyes?
What would you say if I told you that Tezak Traffic Power is incredibly simple to master and can give you all the traffic you need,at any time of day or night, totally for FREE?

Tezak Traffic Power brings you quality traffic in no less than eleven, yes ELEVEN different ways and you know this is laser-targeted traffic because we are a membership site absolutely jam-packed full of internet marketers looking to earn online just like YOU!

Are you...

  • Looking to build lists of highly targeted buyers the fast and easy way?

  • Ready to explode your downlines with hordes of new team members?

  • Needing to get more affiliates into your programs?

  • Wanting more readers for your money making related blogs?

  • Looking to help a constant flow of brand new online marketers find their way out of the rat race?

  • Looking for help to grow your business, we offer advice any time plus regular seminars.
If you answered yes CONGRATULATIONS!

Tezak Traffic Power is a perfect match for you and a perfect match for your advertising needs.
In Just A Few Short Minutes You Will Be Tapping Into The Perfect Traffic System That Drives A Constant Flow Of Targeted Motivated Buyers To Take Your Online Income To Infinity... And Beyond!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The post about everything!

Hey, friends! 

A long time has passed since our last ‘meeting’. But do not get me wrong; I haven’t forgotten about you, my readers, and I haven’t left my blogging process –  I simply have a lot of work and study, so unfortunately my posting appears rarely these days. To be honest, I would love to write something more often but spring makes me active, energetic and productively working, so I am focusing on the hectic and busy schedule and I am trying to do a lot of stuff just in case I will finish all my issues till summer.

The springtime is one of my favorite seasons (this is why I have mentioned few times in my posts), especially when everything start to flourish and smell as something fresh-air-born. I suppose now it is only on its start: April is beginning soon and that means that we are standing on the edge and staying in one step from the warm and sunny ‘every day’. It is good news for sure.

I am also sure that you are busy too and that you have something to do, an occupation that you like and appreciate a lot. It is one of the most important factors that can make us happy – our work. If we are satisfied with work that we do, then we are lucky enough to feel comfortable. An ideal work should be both interesting and profitable, so that a person understands that he or she does not want to change anything in his or her life, moreover, if he or she makes a change, there won’t be any guarantee that the life will become better and happier. I am very convinced that if a person is okay with his or her work, he can become a professional. Becoming a professional is a signal to everybody that he or she will be high-demanded, all-sufficient and financially free.

The most important thing for a person is freedom. I think there are no other powerful advantages in our life! And speaking about the financial freedom, it is a quality and a RESULT, which is a very expected thing in the life stream of each person, especially a business person. That is why if you want to become a money-independent personality, you need to follow your dreams and goals, you should be sure that you can, be ready to study and work, to practice and to improve your skills, correcting your mistakes and defects. You ought to put all you passion, an as we know… passion never fails! The conclusion from here is: you must stand out and fight for your dreams even if you are the only one who believes in it!

You will definitely succeed one day. No matter there will be spring or summer, autumn or winter… a thing that will influence your advance and will build your career is your passion, your desire and your belief in yourself!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Free 12 Dollars! I'm Scared You'll Miss It!!

Wait Safelist Mailer! Do you believe established businesses could give you FREE cash and free quality traffic for your websites? 

 That's what we do! See for yourself:

 1. Free $12.00 Sign Up Bonus
 2. Receive $1.00 Free a Day By Surfing 
 3. Win much much more in cash prizes 4. Receive free traffic for your website Join the sites that back the fun up with real free cash prizes!

  Join for Free in a Minute!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Life is unbelievable!

Hello everybody! Today I am going to create a small post, which will be connected with really important things, both material and mental. I hope that you are doing good and your mood is quite wonderful. And by the way, I do not know what weather you have, but here, in Ukraine there is a warm temperature and sunny days, the air is full of freshness. In other words, the springtime is here and it cannot be unnoticed ;)

Getting back to the blogpost content, I need to remember the last events. Everybody who is following the current news knows that the whole situation in the world is troubling and unstable: each sphere of life (economics, politics, social sphere, culture and spiritual state) is like a reason to be worried. A lot of people know what is happening in Ukraine now. We are still praying for the better life and secure future. But I must say that not only our country is in a critical condition: a plenty of different countries are taking part in such a position. Definitely it is not good and we should do everything to stop it and prevent the similar potential crisis. We need to gather our power and put a lot of effort on making our life finally amazing and absolutely happy.

But in spite of this our life is not staying at the same point, which is a positive fact for sure. We are building families and bringing up our children, going to the cinemas and cafes, visiting museums and theatres, shopping and chilling out, studying and working as usual, planning our holidays and preparing for the summertime. We are even making a decision to try something new for us. Our life is not staying at the same point, as I have told before, and it is splendid!

It is possible for us to try a new occupation and I am ready to offer you such an opportunity. If you are interested in making money online and in being financially independent, if you want to create a successful career in the Internet and to make a big income for the safe future, then you are in the right place and you are reading the necessary article! I would like to do the business together with you and I am very convinced that we will be able to do it successfully!

We are alive. We are quite strong. We can overcome all difficulties, problems and troubles. With a synergy of our visions, thoughts and ideas we can rule the world. Do not hesitate to contact me and we will start creating our best business ever. Stay positive and decisive – be powerful!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Take the first step!

Hey there! My dear friends, I am sure that you are fine and you still are reading my blog. It will be a real pleasure for me to hear and to read some of your comments under my posts, then I will know what articles are really interesting for you to read and what I need to change here, on my blog, in case your interest will appear again. You know that I am doing it only for you, I want to let you know something about me and my life, that’s why it is important to have a feedback and so ‘keep in touch’ with you.
My today’s post will be not long and not short: however, I would like to give you only one idea now. Do you know why people fail to ever make any money online, let alone ever become successful in life?

It's because they fail to ever take the first step. Video after video... Product after product... Jumping from one opportunity to another... With nothing but an empty bank account and an unfulfilled dream to show for it. Yes, it is true and I am sure that a lot of us have faced such situations. It is natural and maybe even necessary for us, because only this way we can understand what we should do to improve our progress, to find the right way to succeed in business (especially in new business!), to make our life and lifes of our relatives better. We can study on our mistakes. Those mistakes, which have been done during the first step.

The first step is ONLY the first; you will have to do a lot of steps to get to the ‘top’. But anyway if you have managed to do the first one, you have already become a winner! It shows that you can do the second step, third, fourth, fifth… And you won’t recognize how many of them you have done, you will simply see the result. It can be different, but it will definitely be. And after that you will understand what you need to do to have better and better, bigger and bigger. There is no end in perfection. There is no end in pursuing.

We cannot know exactly what we will have in future. The same story is told about online business: nobody will give you a guarantee that you will become a multi-millionaire, or even if somebody can, he or she won’t tell you how much time you should wait working hard and non-sleeping night after night to become this millionaire. But there is one thing that everyone knows for sure: if you want to become rich, you have a few ways to do that: win in a lottery, rob the bank or…work, work and work putting a lot of effort! You are to choose your way. So make a decision to step into your Passion and your Purpose.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Partnership in online business. Where is it?

Hey there! Hopefully the springtime is filling everything everywhere and so you are doing great. Sometimes the conditions of our state depends on the conditions out of our houses, I guess you remember that. My today’s post is connected with a business (not only mine, but the business in general) and exactly with a partnership in online marketing. The reason of it is simple: from time to time people ask me the questions, which are directly connected with the process of making partners in our deal. ‘Where should I find them?’, ‘How can I talk to the potential partners, what manner should be?’, ‘How do I need to react when a person asks me an uncomfortable question?’, ‘What is the strategy of convincing and persuading?’, ‘Do I need to know any psychological things to make a contract with them?’, ‘How should I talk to them so that there will be an effective conversation?’ and so on. Yes, there are a lot of factors that might influence the result of your dialogue with contender. And yes, there is a big process of making the great strong connections with your future business partner.

But if you look deeper, you will see that there are no special strategies and methods of creating a partnership, it is almost easy to do. If you are ready to try, you should be ready and sure that you succeed. Otherwise your conversation and your attempt to encourage a person will be failed. Everything here is about you: your appearance, your communicative skills, your open-minded state, your good sense of humor and, of course, your knowledge about the business you are doing. If you prepare for the business talk, you might have a success and this preparation will take some of your time.
Everybody knows that the main and the most important thing in online business is a teamwork, so partnership here is valuable. A business partnership is an integral part and if you haven’t tried to build it before, I can give you a few advices to make it successful.

First of all, you should remember about you appearance. The way you present yourself is the way your conversation will go. One more factor that will put an impact on it is your speech. You need to be a great orator; the way you speak will show if your interlocutor understands you, if he gets the main idea of your business project, if you have enough knowledge and if you are well-informed and high-qualified in this subject. As you see, the third thing is knowledge. The knowledge base is significant. If you know your business plan perfectly and if you can answer any unexpected question, then you are cool ;) And be prepared to have a good mood: your potential client and partner won’t be interested in your problems, troubles and your worries. You should show that you are in your high spirits and nothing is bothering you. Afterward a person will make a conclusion that if you are so positive, the results that you have are positive as well. It will be pleasant for him to know that your business can work for him in a greater way and so he will automatically listen to you more carefully and become a very concerned person.

And the last thing that I want to tell you: stay natural and be yourself. Everything needs to be balanced. But you should talk to your potential client as like hi is the best client you have ever had! A person will appreciate a good attitude, hi will feel it mentally and it will give you a chance to join him to your team. He will believe you and trust you.

When you plug him in, then your main goal is not to lose this person both as a business partner and as a personality. Everybody in you team is different, that’s why you should find an individual way to talk to each of them, to work with everyone from it. But do not forget that apart from a business partnership there is also a human relationship: you might be a friend, a mentor, an adviser for your partners. It is priceless for them.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Keep calm and do what you want to do!

Hi there! Friends, I really do believe that you are fine. Actually, there is even a reason for that: the spring is coming, every day is longer and warmer than the previous one and the sun is shining almost always! In other words, the air is impregnated by positive! As you have already noticed, I am starting each of my posts from the phrase ‘I hope you are doing fine’ or ‘Hopefully you are feeling great’ and so on. And it is not randomness, because I am sure that our state has a direct influence on our living and so we should pay a very close attention to our lifetime. But first of all, what affects our state?

Work, schedule, weather, mood, physical condition, surroundings, … - and so on, and so on. In fact, there are a lot of different elements that have an impact on our life and especially on our state. And I am certain that the guarantee of having all those factors with the ‘+’ sign is impossible; we simply cannot make everything perfect as everything in the world should be balanced, both good and bad! A truth is. But of course there are some of them that are dependent on our behavior and our attitude to life, so that’s why we can make some changes and the situation will be better that it has been.  

SO! Today I would like to focus your attention on the first one of listed factors, which is probably one of the most influential. Our work – a place where most of us spend a lot of our time and nerves. In reality it is something that worries us a lot and that is why our state cannot be independent from it. It is the main resource where we can get money, so we will have an opportunity to live well, so we will be able to feel happy. Well, the chain is not ideal, because every person has a different way and destiny and it is not 100% predicted that it will be exactly like that. But anyway, the science of logic tells us that work should bring us happiness and wealth. But unfortunately it is not a practical showing.

The last research of the American Institute of Public Opinion, called Gallup, has publicized that 77% of employees HATE their job. Can you imagine? It is more that a half and it is a proof that people don’t do what they really want. It is a big global social problem. Neither employees, nor their employers get any advantages from it – people work not for their lifes, but for their existing, that’s why we have such a surprising statistics. But we are the only humans who can change it and to treat the job better and with those positive, which has been mentioned before. In case you will do that, I have an advice for you: keep calm and do what you want to do! It is not so hard to make it come true.

You are a person who knows what you want that’s why you can decide what will be the best variant for your living. And talking about work, you can choose an occupation that will be giving you both money and joy. Just think about something that you really like and that you have a capability for (or maybe you have always been dreaming of). I am convinced that you will definitely find something suitable and will feel satisfied with your choice! Everybody will agree that it is a very important thing and it will help him or her to live better. There are a lot of things that will be improved if you look for a good long-waited job of your dream: your financial position, social status (you will be a pro doing a job you want and you know how to do), psychological state and even the relationship with the world around! In that case you will feel that your life is better than you have even expected and you won’t regret anymore!

Keep calm and do what you want to do! Have a try, think positive, choose the best thing for you!