Thursday, June 5, 2014

How our ego prevents us from succeeding in online marketing?

Hey, folks! I am happy to write down a new article today because it makes me feel that we are still keeping in touch in spite of everything. Nowadays we have the hard times and honestly it is so difficult to think about different things but I have decided that there is a lot of important stuff, which surrounds us and we should continue focusing on it, doing our work or studies or whatever. So that’s why this post will be dedicated to a concrete thing, the business, and I will give you some ideas, which will enlighten you in our today’s topic – ‘how our ego prevents us from succeeding in online marketing?’

I am very sure that some of you can imagine what answer will I give, but for those who have the same question and who are still wondering what will be the best variant to reply, I have prepared this post.

So first of all, what is ego? Ego is our psychological essence, which is helping us in building our human position in society, creating our vision and thoughts, ideas and dreams. Ego is helping us in many spheres of life: it is helping us to succeed in sport, politics, business etc. But also it can prevent our success. It is a unique something, which can be both helpful and useless. And if we get back to today’s question, we can clearly see that ego impedes and disturbs us while we are putting so much effort in creating the greatest and most profitable business in our life.

Furthermore, I must say that if we are talking about our ego, we need to pay attention to the self-confidence or lack of it. Everybody will agree with me that he or she has had such situation when there has been a feeling of uncertainty. An uncertainty starts when we have too much of ego. The reason of its beginnings can be different every time when it happens, but the main thing is that it has occurred to you at least once! For example, if we look at our life of an online marketer, we will notice that the first reason of our self-uncertainty is a way out from our zone of comfort. And believe it or not, but there are a plenty of cases of leaving this zone in MLM business. But of course, according to the fact that each of us is an individual, the motives for self-uncertainty will be individual too. The only question here is: how will your behavior change if you face this ‘problem’?

If you look around, you will notice that there are a lot of people in our industry, who cannot control their behavior while they are working with people (especially with potential clients or partners). And the big reason of it is a self-uncertainty. It is normal, nobody should worry about it, everyone can go through this problem, but of course, our main goal in this situation will be finding the ‘roots’ of our uncertainty and then finding a power to stop it. To stop behaving in a strange manner with people, who can become your teammates or customers.

After this process you will see that the uncertainty will be the head reason of our unsuccessful marketing career. But if we manage to escape it, we will manage to succeed in any sphere! We should be strong enough, well-teached and confident people with big confidence in our mind and good experience of work behind our shoulders to become professionals. It is a clue to success and it demands on time and hard work. And remember: you cannot buy self-confidence – you only can reach it if you want to have a great effect from it. It is a very important thing and it does influence our life and especially our online business. So that’s why we are talking about the self-confidence for so long and that’s why we need to bring it up naturally.

And our ego is important too, it is a part of us and we cannot ignore it, simply hiding it somewhere deep inside. A quite good part of our ego consists of the self-confidence and it can help us to succeed anywhere. Another part is not so helpful, vice versa, it is stopping our progress. In other words, it consists of uncertainty, which is flourishing exactly there. But looking at the good side, we should admit that it can be useful in our life! Moreover, it can be useful in our business. Analyzing the phenomenon of confidence, make sure you have taken to your account three main elements: the self-confidence, the confidence of the company you are working with and the confidence of our industry. Make sure you can find a way to ‘train’ the self-confidence and to keep it in your mind. Make sure you can be the best and then you will see how fast the results will come to you!

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